Monday, January 16, 2012

Be Positive In All Areas of Your Life

This week, let’s define “The Problem” as taken from The 8th Habit Summary
by Soundview Executives Book Summaries
“Our basic management practices come from the Industrial Age. These include:
● The belief that you must control people;
● Our view of accounting
(People are an expense; machines are assets.);
● The carrot-and-stick motivational philosophy; and
● Centralized budgeting, which creates hierarchies and
bureaucracies to drive “getting the numbers” — a reactive
process that produces “kiss-up” cultures bent on “spending
so we won’t lose it next year.”
As people consent to be controlled like things, their passivity only fuels leaders’ urge to direct and manage. There’s a simple connection between the controlling, Industrial Age, “thing” paradigm that dominates today’s workplace and the inability of managers and organizations to inspire people’s best contributions in the Knowledge Worker Age: People choose how much of themselves to give to their work, depending on how they’re treated. Their choices may range from rebelling or quitting (if they’re treated as things), to creative excitement (if they’re treated as whole people).”
Can you relate with “The Problem”?  Are you still in the Belief of the Industrial Age?

In our Knowledge Worker Age, we must realize the abundance of life.  You are made perfect in God’s love.  He created YOU as a masterpiece marked with a unique fingerprint. Learn how to be positive in each area of your life.  Always live up to the Golden Rule:  Do unto other; what you want other to do unto you!

For those of you who are my FB friends, you will often read my posts as: 
I am strong, I am confident,
       I am happy, I am grateful.
This is one way of remaining positive.  No matter what you are going through, always look for the positive side of things, situations.  Always ask: "What can I learn from this?"; "What positive thing/trait/lesson can this bring to me, my life? And use the positive thoughts it brings and lessons learned and create 2-3 positive statements you can repeat to yourself for the next 21 days.

Or list down 10 positive statements for your life.  State them as many times possible throughout the day.
Claim it as done and we will be able to shift the belief system and address the problem.

What positive statements can you share with others that may be useful for them?

FIND YOUR VOICE.  In developing the habit, you will discover the ABUNDANCE OF LIFE.  The promise of the new age we are in. 

Click to read the 8th Habit Summary from Soundview Executives Book Summaries.

Monday, January 9, 2012

The Pain Is An IIIusion

"I'm stressed."
"I feel empty."
"I'm lonely."
"I can't change things."
"Maybe I just don't have what it takes."
"No one really values or appreciates me."
"I'm sick of all the backstabbing politics."

Can you relate with these voices?  These voices are the PAIN of your life...the very reason that's keeping us from seeing more about life.  These are the voices I hear from my own mind that is too strong to ignore in the past.  The pain is just too strong and too deep.  It's been my personal journey...BACK THEN. 

I used to be in those dark situations... I chose to be a VICTIM.  A victim of my own voice.  I know deep within that I am capable of becoming who I wanted to be...BUT they say otherwise.  Who do I refer as "they"?  When you think about it... it is your own voice.

It's time to realize that those voices are made of our own illusion of how we chose to see things.  On how we want to view life.  We allowed such illusion to dictate how difficult life is.  That we are not capable of living a good life the way others are.  But what is different about you and others? 

You breath the same air, you are standing in the same ground.  You are living the same life this very moment.  It is a matter of perspective.  In the end, it is our own choice on how we view this life.

In today's Knowledge Era, we need to realize the abundance of life.  Each and everyone was created unique.
There is a reason why you are here today.   You are created for a special purpose.  And the best thing to appreciate life is to know why you are here, what is the relevance of your existence. 

Start making the right choices about life.  If you start today, you will realize how much abundance there is for you to have the life you have always wanted.  You will finally realize that the pain of the past... are just merely illusions of how you want to justify why you are not living your life purpose.

Stop being a victim.  BE RESPONSIBLE for your own life.  STAY POSITIVE.
Live your LIFE... NOW.