Sunday, May 11, 2014

Discover Your Own Voice

To find your voice means to engage in work that genuinely taps your talents and fuels your passion. It means to do something significant with your career – to sense an unmet need and then to fully harness all your talents and passion to meet that need. To find your voice means to take the path to greatness rather than settling for mediocrity.

One of the underlying reason of frustration for the majority of people is the fact they rarely have the opportunity to realise a life of greatness and contribution. I personally witness how parents in our generation will dictate almost anything in ones life.  From choices of food to eat, clothes to wear, and worst - college course to take.  Most will be justified as based on practicality in life.  But they actually make choices for you. And unless they know you well and based their recommendation to your chararcter and personality -  you will spend the majority of your life and career operating at a much lower level. Most of you are aware of the tremendous challenges and problems which exist, but you may have not developed the internal power nor the moral authority to become a force in solving those problems.  In time, there is  a feeling of loss or emptiness within.

To address this challenge, you need to find your own voice. When this happens, a fire will light inside you which will fuel tremendous drive and commitment. To be able to actually find your voice, however, you first need to understand a simple way of thinking about life.

A whole person has four basic components:
1.  A physical body.
2.  A mind capable of independent thought and analysis.
3.  A heart which can feel emotion.
4. A spirit – your soul or philosophical center.

Each of these components has a corresponding basic need or motivation:
1.  Physical body – “To live”.
2. Mind – “To learn”.
3.  Heart – “To love”.
4.  Spirit – “To leave a legacy”.

The highest manifestations of these capacities are:
1.  Physical body – Discipline
2.  Mind – Vision
3.  Heart – Passion
4.  Spirit – Conscience

As you begin to understand, respect and ultimately balance these highest manifestations for yourself, synergy is created. You become energised as you begin to understand what you’re actually capable of achieving. When you engage in work that taps your talents and fuels your passions, and which fills the need your conscience has drawn you towards, you find your voice. This is often described as “finding your true calling in life” . 

Have you discovered your own voice?  Have you found your true calling? 

I will share more about each manifestation in my succeeding blog. 


This blog is meant to help you in this journey of discovering your own voice.
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