Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Express Your Voice

Previous blog:  Discover Your Voice

As we develop the four intelligences — physical, mental, emotional and spiritual
— in their highest manifestations, we find our voice.

“The highest manifestations of the four intelligences are: for the mental, vision; for the physical, discipline; for the emotional, passion; for the spiritual, conscience. These manifestations also represent our highest means of expressing our voice.” 

VISION is applied imagination. Visualization is first a mental creation, that eventually translates to physical reality.  You have the power to declare something as done. 

I have a vision board, each item come true naturally.  People close to me can attest to this in my life. 
Do you have your vision board?

Vision also means affirming others, believing in them and helping them realize their potential.

I am blessed to be given this as one of my special gift.  I have created my dream team leveraging my top 5 strengths - Learner, Achiever, Developer, Empathy and Individualization.  

Do you believe in others potential? 

DISCIPLINE is utilizing your physical energy to something worthwhile. You don’t deny reality. And accept the sacrifice it entail in doing whatever it takes to realize your vision. You become truly free in the process.

Manny Pacquiao training before any bout is an example of discipline.  Putting the right amount of sacrifice to gain a certain skill and competency is key to someone to be successful. Photography is the new discipline I am pursuing.  Do you have a particular discipline today?

PASSION is how you develop your emotional energy - desire, conviction and drive.  It is that internal fire burning within that radiates excitement, optimism, determination and emotional connection that is deeply rooted in the power of choice.

Passion happens when you do something that you personally find deeply fulfilling and throw yourself into – what are you passionate about?

CONSCIENCE - the small voice within.  It is power to develop ones spiritual energy.  It is the inward moral sense to do what is right and avoid to do wrong.  It is the source of ones peace and quiet.  It is the opportunity to demonstrate self control.  It empowers and affirms ones power and freedom to choose. It values feedback and sees the truth.  It is living a life with integrity. 

Vision, discipline, and passion are the time-immemorial mark of a leader who has had great effect on current as well as future generations of followers. When conscience (or “moral authority”) enters the equation as a guiding force for the other intelligences, then changing the world in a positive way ensues.

When all four intelligences meet, it is when you can truly express your voice, or, as Covey calls it, your unique personal significance.

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