Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Voice of Influence – Be A Trim-Tab

A trim-tab is the small rudder that turns the big rudder that turns the entire boat.

If a leader will focus on little things – especially putting people in places where they can express their voice – then quite often you can turn a big ship around.

A leader have the mind-set and the skill set to constantly look for the potential in people. This kind of leadership communicates to people their own worth so clearly that they come to see it in themselves. The ultimate result is confident members who are open to contribute resulting to teamwork and collaboration. It is leveraging on each other's strength.

What’s the best way of doing this?

Be a role model to your circle of influence.

Remember my story about Phoenix - all levels participated and did their share. That's being a trim-tab. With every team members knowing their worth WE as a team was able to turn the ship around. Not just once, but several times - consistently leveraging our individual strength to our team success. You can read our story again and find several opportunities that demonstrated the voice of influence. 

The most important message is...accomplish things and let those accomplishments do the talking. The more you accomplish, the greater your influence and thus the greater your voice.

How can you become a person who is strong at spreading influence?

We would like to hear your story that allowed you to exercise your voice of influence. You can give us a brief account by sharing it in the comment section.

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